Magento Website: Learn The Basic Feature

Magento Website: Learn The Basic Feature


01 October 2018

By limenotlemon

Magento Website

Let’s dig deeper to the backend of Magento website. Where you have ton of possibilities to create an original e-commerce website. Therefore, you can compete with everyone even if you still a newcomer, it would be better to learn the basic first. Basic knowledge could help you when you find difficulties in advanced level.

Magento Experts

magento website ecommerce
Magento is not easy to code. Even from the Magento HQ itself, there are several trainings for people who want to be a Magento Certified Developer. But it makes sense since the final product of Magento website provides huge flexibilities, simple yet powerful feature for all user. Even for a newcomer. But of course, you will still need some Magento experts to cover all up.

The Other Feature in Magento Website

Attribute and Attribute Set

Attribute, just like its name, is sub-content of your product. For example, if you want to sell a mobile phone in your store, the customer will need information like its signal, feature, camera, weight, width, and other important points of your product.

Difference between Attribute and Attribute Set in Magento Website

Attribute entered in the attribute set. It’s part of attribute set. As simple as that. It’s pretty simple to learn. But the effect is big. Every attribute will contribute itself to the attribute set and the attribute set will be added to your product, providing important information for customers.

Managing Attribute Set in Magento Website

Attribute set appeared in the product setting. When you make an attribute set you can provide a lot of attributes in one go and for more than one product.

Managing Attribute in Magento Website

There are two options to create an attribute. First, using the backend feature of Magento website and add it manually in the setting. It’s simpler than attribute set since you just need to enter small information.
The second one is from the product itself. When you create a simple product or else, you can add more attribute to give more details of your product. In short, you don’t have to jump to the setting first. It will also be added automatically into the attribute list.

Manage Categories

Before creating product, all sellers should create one or more categories. It’s a bundled collection for all your products to be easily navigated by your customers. Mostly, when you visit an e-commerce website like Amazon or eBay, you will find a menu that contains a lot of categories to pick. Categories work that way. You can manage the categories from the backend it will be automatically added to the frontend of your website.

Manage Stock or Inventory

It’s easier to sell one or two products since you are a new online store. But what if you already have more than 100 products and each product contains more than one thousand stocks. Quite confusing, isn’t it? That’s why, Magento website also provides a simple way to maintain and run your stock management smoothly. You don’t have to do it manually, yet you will get semi-automatic and or full-automated system (it depends on your product and how you sell it).
inventory in factory
Well, I think I don’t have to explain about downloadable product due to its countless stocks. You just need to check the inventory regularly and audit it if there is an error about the download link or payment process. Less sweat, more profit. But it will be different if you sell a physical product. Then you will need a real warehouse and integration for both real and digital inventory.
The thing is, sometimes we miscalculated the stock of our product and it would be a big trouble if the demand is high. Uncontrollable order could be a deathblow for your business. Therefore, make sure you understand this one since Magento website doesn’t want to be worried when dealing with inventory problems.

Closing Thought

These are what I thought as the basic of learning Magento website. Especially if you are a newcomer. And if you need a Magento experts with official certification, you can simply drop us a line and we will discuss our future lesson.

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