Automatara & Mall Listrik

PT. Distritama dan PT. Tri Mitra Otomasi is one of the biggest Schneider distributor in the electronic industry. They started their business from offline sales and projects, and online marketplace.

Nihonmart Website


  1. Creating two websites with similar product but keeping things on budget.
  2. More than 1000 SKU with many product attributes in every product.
  3. Add installments Payment Method option that can be applied for some products.
  4. Add Term Payment Payment Method only for certain buyer tiers.
  5. Add a fast performing website that will still stay online regardless of server side performance.


  1. Create a second website with minimal changes.
  2. Create a pre order feature by showing how many days to the item will be ready.
  3. Create term payment payment method, while maintaining a purchase history for that customer, complete with reminder feature when payment is due, and limit of this payment method if the overdue payments has not been past the deadline.
  4. Separate front end and backend to increase performance, security, and reliability of the website.

Nihonmart Website

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